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The Uninvited Guests on Your Roof!

By February 25, 2016July 1st, 2024No Comments

Algae, Moss, Mold & Lichen: The Uninvited Guests on Your Roof!

Have you noticed those unsightly black streaks on your home or maybe on your neighbor’s house? If you haven’t yet, trust me, you will now! Once you become aware of this common problem, it’s impossible not to see it everywhere.

mossgrowthcross section roof algaealgae on roofupclose moss on roof

What’s Eating Your Roof?

Let’s dive into the meat and potatoes of the issue. Those black streaks are just the beginning of your concern. They’re actually algae feeding on the limestone in your shingles. As these algae and bacteria feast and grow, they spread across your roof. If left untreated, your roof will eventually host a heavy growth of moss and lichen, which can cause serious damage and drastically shorten your roof’s lifespan. This deterioration can lead to costly replacements, potentially setting you back thousands of dollars.

Many people mistake these black streaks for aging shingles, but that’s not the case at all. Not only does this make your home look dirty, but it also reduces the lifespan of your roof and impacts your health! The mold spores and bacteria spread through the air. If left unchecked, they can infiltrate your home through the attic, contaminating the air you breathe both inside and outside your house.

Why Does This Happen to My Roof?

The answer is pretty simple. Moss is a plant that grows vertically and lacks the conventional roots, stems, and leaves of other plants. Mold thrives in moist locations with little to no sunlight, making roof shingles the perfect breeding ground.

lichen growth on roof


Key Factors for Moss Growth:

1. Rainfall: Your roof receives the most rainfall.
2. Humidity: Roofs have higher levels of humidity.
3. Sunlight: There’s often a lack of direct sunlight.
4. Debris: Leaves and other organic debris accumulate, aiding growth.

You’ll often notice that black streaks appear on one side of the roof more than the other. This is because moss and algae prefer the side with the least amount of light and the best conditions for growth.

The Simple Fix

Luckily, there’s a simple and cost-effective solution. Hire a certified, insured, and trained company like Hogwash to clean your home. Addressing the algae before it escalates can save you tons of money and restore your home’s curb appeal.

See the Difference for Yourself!


Let Hogwash handle your roof cleaning needs. Protect your home, save money, and enjoy a clean, healthy living environment.

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